What will the Internet look like in 5-7 years?

By : Christopher Wray | June 23, 2016 | Blog

What will the Internet look like in 5-7 years?

June 23, 2016

In this ever-evolving world, we have come to rely on being connected to the Internet on a daily basis. Gone are the days when we would log on with our dial-up modem only to check our email a few times a week or conduct research for a homework assignment or project at work.


The evolution of the Internet has enabled the connection of people and businesses around the globe, making the world a much smaller place. With video chats and online shopping, accessing things from other countries has become virtually instant. Most businesses today cannot function without the Internet, be it via desktop or mobile device, being connected is key to this fast-paced world we are currently living in.


But what does this all mean for the future?


Getting Connected



In the years to come more and more people will be online thanks to the amazing vision of companies like BRCK and Project Isizwe who are working towards connecting those who currently don’t have Internet access in areas with poor infrastructure.


More households will have an uninterrupted Internet connection as the infrastructure bringing Fibre into each home grows. This new constant connection will allow for the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT).


We will no longer be limited to accessing the Internet from our desktops and mobile devices, but will be using various devices in the home, from our cars and at work; even appliances such as the washing machine and refrigerator will be connected online. In fact, experts predict that the connectivity of the Internet of Things will exceed that of connected devices (desktops and mobile) by 2020.


Computer size and speed

We have already seen the size of our computer hardware diminishing over the years. Bulky desktop monitors have been replaced by smaller more compact laptops, which again have evolved to be as thin and as lightweight as possible, like the Macbook Air. Going beyond the current desktop technology, smartphones are getting smaller and we are already seeing advancement such as the Apple Watch, which gives you all your smartphone notifications on your wrist.




With these types of advancements in hardware over the next five years the way we access the Internet will be incorporated into our daily routine without us having to make any conscious effort to do so.


Augmented reality

We have already seen the start of the integration of augmented reality with the likes of Google Glass and Microsoft Hololens.  As this technology advances we will see it integrated into our lives even more, like a scene from The Minority Report.


To get a better idea of the potential of technology in the next five years, watch this video of Microsoft’s concept of what technology will look like in 2019:



What does this mean for our privacy?

We currently have a lack of trust on the Internet and with more devices in our lives creating an uninterrupted connection to the Internet how will we maintain our privacy? This will open the door to new developments in technology to keep our personal information safe.


One thing we can all be certain of is that as we move into the future there will always be someone who is working on the next upgrade or the next app to make our lives easier and more seamlessly interconnected.


To find out how RSAWEB can help you get connected to the future contact us on 087 470 0000 or [email protected]

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