Landlines are out – VoIP is the new norm

by Christopher Wray
28th Aug 2020

All the great inventions throughout time are eventually improved upon. The telephone’s no different, and has moved online. It’s called VoIP, and has changed the way we make phone calls for the better. 

What is VoIP? 

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, which means that, unlike a traditional Telkom telephone line, you are communicating with someone over the internet, and not over copper telephone lines. 

This opens up a whole new question that you probably haven’t asked yourself before, ‘’How long have I been using VoIP without even knowing it?’’. Have you ever called someone over WhatsApp, Skype, or any other online telephonic application? If the answer is yes, then you have called someone over VoIP. In a nutshell, VoIP is the standard feature in most communication applications that allows you to hear and speak over the Internet. 


The Fall of The Traditional Telkom Landline. 

Since cellphones became prominent figures in our lives, the traditional telephone and Telkom landlines have taken a backseat. Essentially, in this day and age, most of us are walking around with a mini-computer in our pockets – one that can connect online and make calls at the press of a button. 

When VoIP lines were first introduced, they were targeted at businesses as a cost-cutting alternative to traditional telephones. Now that homes are nearly as advanced as small and budding businesses in terms of the technology and connectivity available in them, home VoIP lines have become a must-have, and as a result, people are canceling their Telkom landlines in favour of this more affordable and streamlined alternative.



The Advantages of Owning a VoIP Telephone 

With a VoIP telephone line, you are no longer at the mercy of Telkom, as well as the unreliability of copper. copper is unpredictable; not only does it corrode easily, but it is also a highly sought-after prize for criminals. This leaves people relying on technology that runs over copper cable infrastructure to be wrought with problems more often than not. Now that you can have your telephone line run on Fibre or Fixed LTE with VoIP, changing over is a no-brainer. 

VoIP telephone lines also provide you with far superior voice quality which means no more crackling lines, or having the person on the other end barely audible when speaking. They are also extremely reliable and come with call–forwarding features if your internet happens to be down (which is not the norm at RSAWEB, as we have a 99% uptime guarantee).  


VoIP Lines Are More Affordable 

A Telkom landline rental will cost you R210 a month, and this isn’t including the exorbitant per-minute prices they charge you to make phone calls. With RSAWEB, renting a VoIP line will cost you from as little as R65 rand per month. Not only this, but your per-minute call costs and household monthly billings generally end up being far cheaper than with traditional Telkom landlines because the amount of data needed to place or receive a call is minimal in comparison. 


In Conclusion 

If you are a new customer looking to learn more about our VoIP Home lines and are considering replacing your old Telkom home phone with a VoIP phone, have a look at our Fibre or Fixed LTE packages. Once you’ve progressed with ordering the package you are most interested in, you can select the VoIP option and the hardware you would like to order with your new VoIP line and Fibre internet. 

If you are an existing customer looking for a VoIP solution or would like more information, please contact us on 087 470 0010 or [email protected]. 


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