Work from Anywhere, Securely, with RSAWEB’S Mobile Data Solution

By : Christopher Wray | March 23, 2021 | Blog

Work from Anywhere, Securely, with RSAWEB’S Mobile Data Solution

March 23, 2021

Even though we’d hoped that it would be back to business as usual by now – we have, as a country, we are forming a work-from-home and work from office hybrid routine, or as we like to call it, Work From Anywhere. Businesses have opted to keep their staff working remotely, some or all of the time, and studies are showing this comes with some great benefits, such as a reduced commute time. 

If your company has been adapting to the new “Work From Anywhere” trend, then read on to learn about how RSAWEB’s mobile management portal has helped our customers save up to 50% of their data, and how we can keep your mobile team connected and enjoy the same benefits. 

Learn more about our Mobile Data solution and how it can benefit your business 


Extensive National Coverage & Easy-To-Implement Connectivity 

Mobile Data is the easiest and the most ubiquitous way to get your staff online and connected from their home offices, or anywhere. Business clients are supplied with SIM cards for their mobile workforce – granting them instant and easy connectivity. With wide-spread network coverage powered by MTN and Vodacom, these SIMs keep entire workforces connected – from almost anywhere in the country. To make things even easier, you can get LTE dongles and Routers from RSAWEB. 


Pooled Data and Usage Caps Can Save You Money & Provide More Control 

Our Mobile Data Solution allows your business to assign each SIM to a user profile, as well as purchase affordable data bundles and pool all your data together, assigning each SIM profile with data from the pool. It also allows you to set a cap for each account to stop your staff from over-using data – which can save you save 50% on your mobile costs. Additionally, an alert email will be sent when you are nearing the data cap. 

Learn more about how you can save on connectivity costs while your staff work from home


Managing Your Staff’s SIMs is Easy with Our Mobile Management Portal 

Whether you need to connect 10 or 1000 staff members with 10 or 1000 SIMs, it’s safe to say that individually managing all the SIMs assigned to each of your staff members could prove challenging. Thanks to our easy-to-operate Mobile Management Portal that comes equipped with advanced functionality capabilities, you can receive and pull up monthly and daily reports pertaining to the usage of each SIM at the click of a button – in real-time. This will provide your businesses with an added layer of transparency, enabling you to earmark top data users and action relevant changes before they start over-using and wasting data in the pool. The portal will also allow you to keep a watchful eye over the usage of the different departments within your business.  


Your Data’s Safety is a Priority 

The additional functionality of Enterprise APNs extends the office network to the home office while enforcing office security policies, which functions like a Firewall, such as limiting websites or providing secure access to cloud resources. 


Ensure Productivity Remains High 

It is a priority to ensure productivity remains high. With the use of our Mobile Management Portal, coupled with a FortiGate Firewall, you can control what sites your employees can and can’t access. This ensures less data being used on sites which are non-business critical. For instance, you can add popular social media sites to ‘filter lists’ that stop employees from visiting them, or only access them at certain times of the day. Being able to filter any non-essential and distracting sites will help up productivity, as your employees will now be able to focus on their work and tasks at hand. Furthermore, the reporting and analytics a Firewall can offer allows you to dig into work-time productivity.   

Click here to ensure your staff remain productive while working from home


Simplified Invoicing 

Traditionally, businesses would get sent binders full of individual contracts – typically one per SIM. With our Mobile Management solutionyour business will be spared this timeous hassle and receive one invoice bill for all the SIM cards and data on your business’s network. Furthermore, the individual usage per SIM card can be pulled from the RSAWEB Dashboard, allowing cross-department billing if necessary. This small innovation to the traditional billing procedure can end up saving your business hours of time they would spend on traditional reconciliations. 



Speak to one of our Mobile Data and connectivity experts today and find out how you can keep your business profitable and save you 50% on your mobile costsas well as keep your staff productive and your people connected with our flexible, easy-to-manage and cost-savvy Mobile Data solution today!  

Click here if you’d like RSAWEB to connect your staff from their homes today 

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