Author Archives Christopher Wray

SafariNow is an online travel agency providing accommodation-booking services throughout Southern Africa. With over 22 000 establishments listed on their website and more than half a million monthly visitors, it is no wonder that they need a fast, reliable Internet connection to keep up with the demand.


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Fibre Internet is fast gaining popularity among South African businesses, thanks to its potential to offer light-speed connectivity and enhanced stability for larger numbers of users. There’s a lot of water-cooler talk around this new technology, but how do you know if it’s right for your company?


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There are few businesses that don’t depend on a stable mobile Internet connection to run profitably and productively. And it’s not just about being able to access your email remotely or keep in touch with sales teams on the road.


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It seems that there are an endless number of apps for our phones these days, that we have to be constantly connected to in order to survive. But if we’re not careful, constantly checking, updating, syncing and using these apps can quickly drain our data bundles. This can lead to us getting cut-off or with a nasty surprise bill at the end of the month for out-of-bundle data rates.

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Hi my name is Jessica, I am a freelance journalist, who contributes to a number of magazines, online publications and occasionally a newspaper or two. In my line of work, it is imperative that I am always connected to the Internet. I need a fast and reliable connection no matter where I am to ensure I make my deadlines. RSAWEB’s Mobile Broadband makes this possible.


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We know that your business needs to be connected to the Internet wherever you are. That’s why we have a range of Mobile Data and Mobile Broadband packages for you and your teams so that they can stay connected while on the move almost anywhere in South Africa. When choosing your data requirements, you must also consider the best mobile device to suit your usage needs. We have a range of mobile devices available for you to choose from, from simple individual user connections to team support solutions.


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Companies and individuals are changing the way they work. Gone are the days of sitting behind a desk from nine to five, employees are now working flexi-hours to increase productivity. They are working on the go, between meetings, on the road, from home or at their nearest coffee shop.


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