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When it comes to protecting your children in cyberspace the thought can seem daunting; yet we all know it is essential. You might think that banning the use of the Internet is the easiest and safest option, but with online access being so readily available your best line of defense is to arm yourself and your children with the right tools.


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For us work should be more than just a 9 to 5 job. It’s about choosing your lifestyle, however conventional or extreme it may be. We’ve already mentioned how work is no longer a place and as the nature of work changes to become more flexible and collaborative so too does how we think about the very concept of work itself.  That’s why we support those who live their lives unconventionally by helping them to stay connected wherever they are and whatever they happen to be doing.


Team RSAWEB hot spot
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ScaleConf 2016

March 15, 2016

ScaleConf is a two-day tech conference in Cape Town, inspired by the CodeConf and DevOpsDays events in America. ScaleConf brings together local and international experts to share their ideas on the problems faced by companies and individuals building and running services on the Internet today. The focus of the event is to cover the culture and methodologies used to architect and develop the strong foundations required to operate websites and services.


ScaleConf 2016
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With RSAWEB moving your business to the Cloud has never been easier. We’ve created a simple online management service to help you manage your cloud server infrastructure and cut out the hassles of dealing with physical hardware. With Cloud Servers (Virtual Private Servers) our custom built, feature-packed control panel makes managing your infrastructure easy. Plus, with real time server status you can know the health of your environment at a glance, helping you identify memory or space issues immediately.


Cloud for business
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It is easy to feel overwhelmed when thinking about hosting in the Cloud. Making the right choice when considering cost, functionality, performance and reliability while trying to understand the difference between the Hyperscale providers like Amazon, Google and Microsoft versus the Enterprise providers like Rackspace and Softlayer, and the offerings available from smaller, more specialist providers can be daunting.


Cloud services
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Fingerprints are not safe

February 23, 2016

Passwords are difficult to remember. Across the hundreds of websites and applications I use on a daily basis, I find myself regularly having to spend an afternoon working through my encrypted spreadsheet full of passwords just to keep up-to-date, which is why I decided last year to make the switch to LastPass. (more…)

Fingerprint security
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RSAWEB’s Mobile Data management product enables you to take control of your company’s mobile 3G and LTE data connectivity and costs, giving you fast mobile Internet connectivity anywhere in South Africa, while simultaneously helping your business to cut down on monthly expenses.


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Work is no longer a place. With the rise of flexitime, remote working and working from home, the nature of work is changing – becoming more flexible and more collaborative.

As Internet infrastructure and availability becomes faster, more secure and more reliable it is becoming increasingly easier for people to connect with their jobs and work from virtually anywhere in the world. This is changing not only the nature of work, but how we think about the very concept of work itself.


mobile data
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Smart IoT apps for the Home

February 11, 2016

Whether it’s turning on the lights, adjusting the temperature, monitoring the alarm or turning the coffee machine on in the morning, almost anything in your house can now be controlled by your smartphone. We’ve already mentioned many of the ways that the Internet of Things (IoT) is helping the working world, but these apps also clearly show how IoT is also changing our everyday lives. At RSAWEB we love learning about the latest technologies and devices that can help us work and live, and so we took a look at some of the latest apps to help you at home.


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